Marek van de Watering is an artist, writer, educator, organizer and researcher, and uncle of Roef and Kees. The recurring theme in all of these roles is how working together works, and more specifically how ideals and realities of working together relate to each other, especially in art and its education.
He is currently the Head of the Orientation Course at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and has been teaching at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie since 2013, after having graduated in Fine Arts there. Next to that, he is part of the Lectoraat Art & Public Space (LAPS) research group, where he looks into radical historical educational methods in the arts in Eastern Europe and is coining the term “educational critique” -art that reflects critically on its educational environment- as an artistic research topic.
Before venturing into art and art education, Marek was a junior researcher and lecturer in (amongst others) the Multimedia curriculum of the Computer Science Department at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, having obtained his Bachelor and Master (cum laude) degrees there.
Marek’s personal website can be found at www.marekvandewatering.com.
Photo by Alizé Wachthausen