Aymeric Mansoux (FR) is an artist, musician and media researcher, with a background in economics, fine art, graphic design, and computer programming.

In 2003 with Thomas Vriet, he co-founded GOTO10, a collective of artists using and writing free software in the context of electronic, noise, improvisation music, and media art. Aymeric had been active in the collective until 2010. During his participation in GOTO10, he has organised and taught several dozens workshops and initiated several projects such as: Make Art, an annual international festival for software artists and musicians; Puredyne, a live GNU/Linux distribution for media art and design (with Chun Lee and Antonios Galanopoulos), and FLOSS+Art, first collection of essays on free and open source software and digital art production (co-edited with Marloes de Valk).

In 2009, he was invited by Florian Cramer to join the staff of the Media Design and Communication Master of the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, where he worked as senior lecturer until 2015. Starting 2016, he leads the Experimental Publishing master specialisation of the Piet Zwart Institute.

Aymeric received his doctorate from the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London (2017), under the supervision of Matthew Fuller, for his investigation of the decay of pluralism, the becoming of artistic critique, and defusion of conflicts within free culture movement.

Aymeric’s works (Hello Process!, Meshy, Naked on Pluto, 4NX, Alessandra 7351, the SKOR Codex) have been exhibited internationally, and he performs regularly with Chun Lee as part of 0xA. His latest collaboration (2019) is What Remains, an 8-bit game for the 1985 NES produced on recycled hardware, on the topics of archives, whistleblowing, environmental issues and the manipulation of public opinion.


source: https://monoskop.org/Aymeric_Mansoux

Personal website: https://bleu255.com/~aymeric