The Master Fine Art & Design: Lens-Based Media is hiring core tutors for a position of 0.2 FTE.

We are looking for a practitioner-teacher with an established lens-based practice (photographer, filmmaker, animator, fine artist) who desires to work within an international cohort of students, artists and colleagues. You will be teaching in collaboration with a team of experienced tutors with a wide range of of lens-based practices.

The primary focus of the work will be focussed on one to one tutorials supervising the master students’ self-directed practice-based research. In addition tutors have the opportunity to run a focus group (a seminar on a particular aspect of lens-based media) as part of their teaching role.

Preferred applicants will have a developed professional practice and an ability and desire to mobilize their own experience and insights to support students research.  An ability to be articulate and reflexive in giving feedback to student researchers is crucial. A clear interest in and curiosity about de-centering established cultural norms and industry practices is appreciated. We warmly welcome applicants from underrepresented, minority, or non-conforming communities.

The candidates would be required to start teaching in March 2022.

About the Piet Zwart Institute Master Fine Art & Design: Lens-Based 

The Lens-Based Media department focuses on approaching animation, photography, and the full range of contemporary cinematic forms as a single expanded field.  Within the program, digital visual media forms are approached using the lens as a central metaphor.

The curriculum and its credit structure places emphasis on the student’s self-directed research and practice, and is devised to provide students with the time and space to experiment and take risks, refine their research and working methods, and critically contextualise their motivations and positions as lens-based practitioners. 

More curriculum details and reels of student work can be found here:


A master-level degree in an appropriate lens-based discipline;

An interest in project-based education and a willingness to participate in team teaching;

A strong critical perspective;

Organizational ability;

Experience teaching graduate-level education;

EU/ECC work authorization;

An excellent command of verbal and written English. English is the working language of the Piet Zwart Institute.

It is the responsibility of the candidate to have a valid residence/work permit to work in the Netherlands.

Application Procedure

Deadline for applications: Jan 10th  2022

Please apply by uploading your  CV combined with a portfolio of recent professional work and a letter of motivation. All documents must be written in English. The vacancy will be posted at:

The selection procedure will take place in two phases. A short list of applicants will be drawn up followed by interviews  via Zoom.


Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences offers a temporary contract, from Mar 01, 2022 to Feb 31, 2023, with the possibility for extension into a permanent contract. The salary ranges from € 4.445,52 to € 5.717,25 gross per month based on full-time employment,  (salary scale 12 – level of appointment is based on previous experience) exclusive of additional 8% holiday pay and 8.3% end-of-year bonus. Secondary benefits include an attractive pension scheme.

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences works with a limited travel reimbursement (maximum of 20 km). = maximum of 20 KM one way. Retour = 40 KM maximum

All staff members of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences should be able to submit a Certificate of Conduct (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag, VOG) issued by the Dutch Minister of Justice and Security

Working at WdKA means that you can use time and facilities (via unlimited access to our Stations) for professionalization. You may avail of a Hogeschool Rotterdam discount on your healthcare via Achmea and participate in a solid pension scheme.

Any requests for additional information about the position can be directed to 

Please do not use this vacancy as an acquisition opportunity.