July 7– July 10 2016
Thursday July 7, 17:00 – 22:00 hrs.
Open Hours: Fri July 8, 14:00 – 22:00 hrs.
Sat / Sun July 9-10, 14:00 – 17:00 hrs.

Location: Dansateliers, s’Gravendijkwal 58, Rotterdam

Graduating educators/artists/designers: Karin Arink, Juan Beladrich, Clare Breen, Mariana Fernandes, Rick Fingal, Sita de Kam, Katinka van der Laan, Annelies de Leede, Erica Volpini, Bien van der Voorden, Mascha van Zijverden.

The Master of Education in Arts programme, Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam, warmly invites you to join our Graduation Presentation 2016. During three days, the graduation research and education projects of 11 students will be represented within the labyrinthine studio setting of the Dansateliers, activated by conversations, workshops, games and eating together.

As a two-year, part-time course, which explicitly connects theory to practice, the research conducted and education projects tested by the graduates require a deviation from a usual exhibition format. Staying true to the original conditions afforded by the classroom, the academy, the gallery, the design modeling workshop, the fashion master class, the Group Critique, the drawing game, the dinner, or the theatrical setting, the students disclose and draw the contours of their research and pedagogical practices.

In cooperation with an intimate curator/artist/designer-team and supported by a set of structures designed especially for the occasion, as well as a website, each project is drawn together in open forms of negotiation, conviviality and “making public”. For detailed information about the activities during the presentations and the individual projects please visit: at.wdka.nl/educationinarts2016

Graduation Presentation co-curated by: Clare Butcher and Eloise Sweetman, Scenography: Nikola Knežević, Graphic Design: Mirte van Duppen, Technical installation: Geert van Mil, Cooking: Doran Schmaal.

Graduation Supervisors: Clare Butcher, Ingrid Commandeur (course director), Marike Hoekstra, Frans-Willem Korsten, Renee Turner, Sjoerd Westbroek.