Time: Friday March 28, 19:30 – 21:00 hrs.
Location: Piet Zwart Institute, Karel Doormanhof 45.
Admission: free.

Hereby we cordially invite you for the public lecture series Critical Pedagogies of the 21st Century. What is a school? How does it influence and construct politics and social relations in our present day society? This question is the starting point for the lecture series Critical Pedagogies of the 21st Century, which deals with the phenomenon ‘school’ on a philosophical, theoretical and fictional level.

In the third lecture the artist and researcher Jonas Staal will introduce several past projects (Allegories of Good and Bad Government – 2011, Social Experiment – 2011) which defined and inspired his thoughts on the relation between art and pedagogy, and which ultimately led to recent projects like New World Summit and New World Academy. New World Summit is an artistic and political organization which develops, what Staal calls ‘alternative parliaments’ for organizations excluded from democracy, for example by means of so-called designated lists of terrorist organizations. After the first three summits in Berlin, Leiden and Kochi (IN), he is currently preparing the fourth edition in the Royal Flemish Theater in Brussels. He will further speak of theNew World Academy (2013), developed in collaboration with BAK, basis voor actuele kunst in Utrecht: a new school that invites organizations invested in the progressive political project to explore with artists and students the role of art at the center of political struggle.

Critical Pedagogies of the 21st Century is developed by the Master of Education in Arts as part of the seminar Critical Pedagogy. For more information about the complete lecture series please visit: http://pzwart.nl/nl/courses/mea/Public-Events/

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