On Monday January 10, CrossLab kicks off the new year with its Open Design Event. From 19.30hrs onwards, you’re welcome in de Unie in Rotterdam. Make sure you get your tickets fast, because they’re almost sold out.
Is everyone a designer nowadays? The internet facilitates the customization of design; designers can publish and share their work online. As a co-designer, the user has become responsible for the form: ‘form follows user’. This recent practice is called ‘Open Design’. What is the new role of the designer in this context?
Bas van Abel shines his light on the philosophy and practice of ‘Open Design’ and introduces the new ‘Unlimited Design Book’. Studio Ludens demonstrates the role of ‘design templates’ and DIY products. Product designer Janne Kyttanen shows how to make your own objects with 3D-printing and ‘downloadable design’. We also take a peak at FabLab, a public lab that offers ‘state of the art’ prototyping machines. Besides this, several ‘cadaver exquise’ projects will be presented as a creative method for collective design.
CrossLab Event Open Design, De Unie / Mauritsweg 34-35 / Rotterdam. Monday January 10 2011, start 20hrs (doors open 19.30). Entrance: 7 euro (5 euro employees WdKA) / 2.50 euro for students with Student Card. Subscribe by email (name and number of persons). More info crosslabevents.wdka.nl.