Please feel free to come to Florian Cramer's inaugural speech 'Demolish Serious Culture' at the Piet Zwart Institute on Wednesday December 1 2010. You're welcome at the Mauritsstraat 23 in Rotterdam from 19.30hrs onwards.

The title 'Demolish Serious Culture' was coined by Fluxus frontmen George Maciunas and Henry Flynt to protest against a concert by the famous composer Karlheinz Stockhausen. In his talk, Cramer will take a close and critical look at the relations between autonomous art and design and media and retail.

Cramer has been head of the Piet Zwart Institute, part of Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University, since September 1 2010. Between 2006 and 2010, he was in charge of the Networked programme of PZI's master Media Design and Communication. Since 2008, he's also research professor and head of the research programme Communication in a Digital Age of the Piet Zwart Institute.