“Natasha’s research into the history and current online practices of censorship in Indonesia is both thorough and critical, and would make a good step towards a PhD-proposal. Operating on the premise that it is ‘apparent that deliberative and creative activism is needed to help vulnerable netizens, in particular, [to] resist the rising pressure of state and self-censorship online’, she designed a highly engaging, full-fledged game that takes its players through various levels of online media strategies and tactics all within a save environment. The jury immediately recognised that her research paper had been necessary in order the make the urgency of the game within a specific geopolitical context tangible. They great value of Instant Warnet, however, is found in the fact that it can transcend its context of origination, and can be used by educators, activists, and human rights organisations alike. The jury would therefore like to stimulate Natasha to continue her critical engagement with this subject.”
Congratulations on your prize of €2.000.-!
Visit her website here.
Jury Master Research Award: Mariska Versantvoort (WdKA, chairwoman and secretary), Charl Landvreugd (artist and researcher), Hilde Westerink (Vers Beton) and Robin van den Akker (Erasmus University College).
Image: Selma Hengeveld.